The Bicknell Legacy Foundation has set out to support non-profit organizations to serve individuals in need.


Our goal at BLF is to support organizations who need help to obtain their goal. Our objective is to help by providing a grant. We want to put rescources into making the organization's dream of helping into a reality.

Our Mission and values

  • Mission- Our Mission is to provide resources to empower individuals to overcome obstacles they are facing and allow the opportunity for success.

  • Values- These values reflect the collective beliefs of The Bicknell Legacy Foundation.

    • Passion- True investment and dedication to the well-being of the individuals being served.

    • Dignity- Respecting the worth of individuals by promoting self-control and confidence.

    • Service- Supporting individuals through volunteerism, in addition to funding.

    • Sustainability- Resourceful allocation of finances supported by a diverse network of contributors.

    • Innovation- Continually embracing growth through creativity of change.

We can’t help everyone. But everyone can help someone
— President Ronald Reagan